Abound Online Conference
Jesus said that He came to give life and life in abundance.
Paul said that God can make all grace abound to you, so that walking in sufficiency you may have abundance for every good deed.
It's time to move in all God has called us to, and walk in His life and strength and to be a beacon to the world.
It's time to abound.
Sessions recorded March, 2019.
Replays available.
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after you enroll
- Session 1) Abound in Power with Larry Sparks
- Session 2) Matt Beckenham, Abounding in Love. pt 1
- Session 3) Brian Simmons, Abounding in Love. pt 2
- Session 4) Krissy Nelson, Abounding in Faith
- Session 5) Patricia King, Abounding in Blessing.
- Session 6) Natalie Fuller, Abounding in Strength and Victory.
- Session 7) Katherine Ruonala, Abounding in Joy.
- Session 8) Ana Werner, Abounding in Authenticity.
- Session 9) Lana Vawser, Abounding in Freedom.